This Is Me. That Is You.

The secret to a loving and peaceful existence is good fences, healthy boundaries that say, “This is me. That is you. And we both matter.” Every person is unique and has his or her own set of experiences that have … Continued

Managing Your Personal Energy When Faced With Difficult People

Recently, one of my dear friends was verbally accosted by her co-worker. Taken by surprise at first, she was blindsided by his vicious and uninvited criticism. She felt the sting of shock as he started to siphon her energy. But … Continued

Vulnerabilities: Gateways to Wisdom and Strength

Abigail had a succession of really bad days in which people either directly insulted her, pushed past her without noticing she was there, or blamed her for things she had nothing to do with. At first angry, she grappled with … Continued