Changing Your Daily Patterns For A New Perspective

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Life often develops into patterns. We wake at the same time. We perform our morning ritual of cleaning and dressing. We kiss our loved ones on the cheek and say, “I love you,” before walking out the door. We stop at the same coffee shop. We drive the same route to work each day. And at the end of the day, it can feel like the same routine in reverse.

However, summer is officially here, and it’s a perfect time to challenge our routines.

Changing Your Daily Patterns For A New Perspective_39030839_s

By changing one or more of our daily patterns, we can begin to see our lives from a better perspective. While routines can be important in life, they also pose the risk of feeling stuck. Sometimes, even the smallest changes can send a jolt of excitement and give you a renewed sense of purpose and opportunity.

Where Do I Begin?

The idea of changing a trusted routine can be nerve-racking. You may find yourself asking, where do I begin? If this is the case, it is okay to start small by changing one little thing in your routine. By establishing comfort in one changed pattern, your perspective will naturally shift as will your confidence in your ability to change and adapt.

On the other hand, you may be thrilled by the idea of mixing up your patterns and have ideas piling up in your creative brain. In this case, it may be best to unfold your ideas progressively over the month. By changing your routine one step at a time, you can feel the impact of each change and decide whether that new experience has a place in your everyday life.

Some Ideas To Get You Started

If your brain isn’t flooded by ideas, don’t worry. Here are some simple changes to help you start thinking about all of the possibilities ahead of you.

  • Wake up earlier to take a walk before breakfast.
  • Choose a different coffee shop and try a new beverage.
  • Break the lunch pattern and go to the gym or for a brisk walk.
  • Talk with someone you have never spoken with before.
  • Try a new exercise or dance.
  • Turn off your cell phone during a time you would normally “play” with it, such as on the train or in a waiting room.
  • Say hello to everyone with whom you make eye contact.
  • Take the scenic route home from work, and don’t be afraid to stop at a new place if something catches your eye.
  • Listen to a new radio station.
  • Kiss your special someone passionately instead of politely before leaving for work.
  • Read a blog, newspaper, or online news journal you have never experienced before.
  • Eat dinner in a new room of the house or perhaps outdoors with candlelight.
  • Spend an evening with no electronic devices, including television and cell phones.

Experiencing The Benefits

The goal of changing your patterns is to see the world from a slightly different perspective. Maybe you will enjoy some of the changes to the point of finding ways to incorporate the experience into the days ahead. Perhaps you will not enjoy some of the changes, but can find a deeper understanding of yourself by inquiring as to why you didn’t like it. In either case, changing even one of your daily patterns can help you see your life from a fresh perspective.