Self-Awareness and Self-Respect: Listening to Your Inner Voice

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Even when surrounded by the best of people, it is quite easy to lose touch with your true self in an attempt to protect yourself or please others.  When our energies remain solely focused outward, our self-awareness dwindles, and this can impact all of our relationships, including the relationship with the self.

Naturally, external influences and responsibilities exist in each of our lives.  It is tempting to constantly address those external forces because it is with those resolutions that the most obvious benefits are felt.  Often, however, it is the more inconspicuous benefits that have the largest impact on our well-being.14465321_s

Learning To Listen To Your Inner Voice

By taking intentional moments throughout the day to slow down and listen to the voice within your own heart, you are allowing room for your true self in this busy world.

Similar to the feelings that arise after having a mutually fulfilling conversation with a close friend, listening to your own voice cultivates the roots for self-awareness and self-respect.

Depending on how silenced it has become over the years, listening to the messages of your true self may come naturally or it may take some effort to learn.  It may be as simple as closing your eyes and focusing inward in a quiet moment, or it may require more in-depth meditation techniques.  Regardless of your current progress in developing your self-awareness, quieting the external influences and distractions are key to hearing yourself.

Each day, say or do loving things for yourself. Some may find that it is a challenge to identify those truly loving things, but listening to your inner voice can help to set the path.  It provides great insight into your true desires, goals, and needs. It is only through becoming self-aware that you can begin to know what you uniquely need.

A Fulfilled Self Leads to Healthier Relationships

Working to build a healthy relationship with oneself is an essential step in building healthy external relationships.  Your self-awareness and self-respect allow you to identify and communicate your own boundaries, while understanding the boundaries of your loved ones with ease.

The more you love yourself, the more you draw truly loving relationships into your own life.   Similar to kindness, love is contagious.  As people are drawn to your grounding and confidence, you will become an example by which they begin to model themselves.