Moving Your Body Is About More Than Physical Health

It has been a long accepted concept that exercise is essential for a healthy body.  In more recent years, however, the conversation has shifted to include the emotional health benefits of regular exercise.

We spend so much of our time locked into our cerebral realities.  As emotional beings, we think a lot.  We sit in front of screens that offer a constant stream of distractions to sort through.  We sit for a cup of coffee with our closest friends and talk about our thoughts and feelings.  We answer questions from our bosses and our children.  We analyze scenarios at every turn to ensure that we are making the right decisions.

Taking the time to use your body gives you a chance to recharge your cerebral battery.  The word “exercise” carries great weight for some people.  Instead, think about physical activity as simply moving your body, and include everything from gym time to playtime.

Woman Walking in Field

How Can Daily Movement Help My Relationships?
The key to enjoying healthy relationships with others is to first develop a healthy relationship with yourself.  Here are some ways that moving your body can help you with your personal relationship goals.

  • Changes in Your Brain Chemistry – Moving your body regularly releases endorphins and increases the dopamine in your system, both of which can be thought of as our body’s natural feel-good chemicals.  Additionally, the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen levels in your blood stream are affected by physical activity.  Together, these chemical changes can relieve pain, reduce stress, and increase your overall energy, leaving you feeling more centered and balanced: body, mind and heart.
  • Coping with Stress – Stress can be incredibly detrimental to your inner dialog, and learning to cope with stress is an essential step in your emotional wellbeing.  Moving your body regularly improves your ability to deal with stress.  Physical activity raises your heart rate, which is a low level form of stress.  Continued exposure to this type of healthy stressor trains your body to cope better with stresses that come up in your everyday life.
  • Increased Energy and Improved Sleep Patterns – While it may seem against logic, using your body will actually boost your energy levels, release stress, and allow you to sleep better at night.  When we feel energized, we are better able to be present in our lives and to handle situations with kindness and grace as they arise.
  • More Confidence – Many people equate exercise with trying to look better.  The concept of moving your body is targeted at making you feel better.  Simply put, it feels good to achieve goals.  By setting small activity goals, you will enjoy a regular feeling of accomplishment.  As you see your body starting to change with increased stamina and energy, your relationship with yourself will enjoy a positive boost.

Taking care of your body is an important step in taking care of your relationships. That said, keep in mind that moving your body should be enjoyable.  We often think about gym time, cycling, running, or walking as the best ways to exercise, but there are so many ways to use our bodies.  Enjoy a hike with some friends.  Play tag with your children.  Swim in the ocean.  Play Frisbee.  Work in the garden.  Dance around the house to your favorite song. The opportunities to move your body are truly endless, and it won’t take long before you feel the benefits.