Keeping Your Best Interests At Heart

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How are you?  It is a question we ask those we care about on a daily basis.  However, when was the last time you asked yourself the same question?

So often, our world seems to orbit around our relationships.  We are filled with concern about those we love, reserving very little time and energy to be concerned with our own wellbeing. While it is a common habit, it can be a dangerous one.

Think about the flight attendant that instructs you to secure your own oxygen mask before helping others.  After all, if you were to lose consciousness in the airplane, you would be of no help to those around you.  This is the perfect metaphor for keeping your own best interests at heart in your daily life.  We all have a responsibility to take care of ourselves so we are able to be there for others when they need it.

It may be difficult to allow yourself to put your needs before the needs of others.  Some people find they experience a sense of guilt, but by understanding the importance of self-care, you can begin to let go of the negative emotions you may associate with having your own best interests in mind.29066127_s

Having your best interests at heart is not selfish.  Sometimes, we feel as though saying no and setting boundaries are selfish acts.  On the contrary, identifying your best interests and acting with those interests in mind will allow you to give more of your true self to those around you.  By understanding and tending to your best interests, you identify your strengths and relish in sharing those talents with others.

Self-care is essential in order to provide care for others.  Just as we can be bursting with love and energy, we can also feel drained of both.  Taking the time to care for yourself gives you the opportunity to replenish your reserves.  This way, when others need care or attention, you are able to share your love and energy with genuine intentions.  You do not feel as though you are sacrificing.  Instead you are uplifted by your involvement in their lives.

Caring for your true self can prompt a contagious amount of contentment.  There is, perhaps, no better feeling in the world than to be at peace with yourself.  However, as we work to please or protect ourselves from others, we can get ourselves off track in our personal journeys.  Realigning your life to match your true intentions and purposes will bring a sense of contentment back into your daily reality, and that contentment can be contagious.  Watch as those around you begin to strive for a similar sense of peace.

By understanding how your self-care benefits others, you can begin to embrace your best interests.  After all, isn’t it time to reclaim and cherish your true self?