
It is with great pleasure that I announce the release of my new book:

Tending Fences: Building Safe and Healthy Relationship Boundaries                                   The Parables of Avery Soul

by Terry Barnett-Martin

tending fences cover                                                                                                                             It is now available at, and all major online bookstores.

I am thrilled to welcome you to the website and blog.


“Fences can connect one side to the other or protect one side from the other. They are there to filter, contain and promote respect. It is up to each of us to decide what kind of fence is right for each relationship in our lives.”                                                                       Excerpt from Tending Fences, T.B. Martin

In Tending Fences, the main character, Avery Soul discovers that in order to feel secure and happy in his world, he must build and repair the fences that run along the borders of his vast land adjoining his neighbors. The fences he builds vary according to his relationship with each neighbor. Some connections feel safe and easy and the fences are simple. Others are imposing and treacherous and necessitate a higher stronger fence.

We all want to feel safe and contented in our relationships, whether personal or professional, and the key is good fences. Let’s face it, everything in life is about relationships…with ourselves, other people, our jobs, ideas, food, money…everything. When we have good boundaries or fences in our relationships, we flourish. When our fences are broken or nonexistent, we suffer and can cause suffering for others.

Tending Fences is a collection of simple, yet powerful parables that speak directly to the heart and intuition, making it easy to build proper fences and have a true sense of well being. The universally relatable stories in Tending Fences help to un-clutter, sort out and set straight relationships in a profound way.